Funny weather we’re having... how the melting Arctic is affecting global weather patterns in a sinister way
There was a time, not long ago, when ‘global warming’, or ‘climate change’ as it became more frequently labelled, was purely a theoretical construct, a thing of the future. Disturbing, spine-chilling even, for those who understood it, it was still something quite remote, something that had to be constructed out of scientific principles which only quite a concentrated effort of intellect and imagination could convert into meaningful consequences – and those a safeish distance away, in the future.
It is still true that only a grasp of the scientific principles, an
intellectual process, can convey to us the full scale of human-induced
global warming and the totality of its ultimate consequences. But it now
has a presence in our ‘here and now’ – it has insidiously crept into
the background music of our lives. To many it does not bear the label of
‘climate change’ or any label at all, and whilst, as the Aid Agencies
for instance will tell us, for some already this incomprehensible
phenomena has spelt tragedy, suffering and death, for most of us,
especially in the developed world, it is more of a curious, dimly
perceived, novelty.
Funny weather that other people are having
Whether we’ve ever even heard the phrase ‘climate change’ or have any understanding of what that really means - or not – the dimly perceived novelty is the ‘funny weather we’re having’. It might be the funny weather on the news – the funny weather that other people are having, like the drought in the US right now, or those forest fires, in Colorado, in Spain, in Australia, in Greece in wherever-the hell next, or those torrential floods in Beijing last month or Thailand a while back, or Pakistan last year, or was it the year before, or that other drought and heat-wave in Russia a year or two ago, or the drought and consequent famine in Niger, exacerbated in short order by terrible floods, or those freezing storms in the US, or the hurricanes that seem to be getting stronger and more destructive or….And its not that any one of these things is something really new, we’ve seen extreme weather disasters, and we’ve seen exceptionally extreme weather disasters before but its just the sense that they seem to keep on coming so thick and fast, with a barely a gap, one after another, after another or even at the same time. We can all sense that - even if we are not activists who have Bill McKibben bellowing into our ears (the simple plain truth of) just how many record breaking weather disasters are happening and how statistically extraordinary this really is.
Here in the UK
Or it might be the funny weather we are experiencing ourselves. Here in the UK. Like the deluge that was this June or the deluge that was this April. Whilst they are telling us there’ll be a hosepipe ban because of too many dry winters. Or the bite-your toes off cold snap of December (not January – December!) 2010, or the freezing winter before it. Or the eerie sense that the seasons aren’t quite right with Spring far too early or maybe summer or autumn too late.
We knew this was going to happen….
Now those of us who are climate-science nerds can say we understand this and not only that but we knew
this was going to happen. We knew that a warmer world would mean, on
average, earlier springs and later autumns. We knew that a warmer world
would be a world with more energy all round, and more ‘energy’ would
mean more violent, more extreme, weather. Stronger storms, stronger
cyclones, happening more frequently. And more heat would mean more evaporation
which would mean more precipitation which would mean more and worse
floods. Even when, in other places, or even in the same place but at
different times, more heat would mean more dryness and drought.
But just in case there might be any doubt James Hansen has come up with a study
to prove statistically what common sense would in any way suggest –
namely that the weather extremes we’ve seen – especially those involving
extreme heat – have to do with global warming. He’s dodged the question
about whether a particular event is caused by global warming and asked
the more meaningful question “what are the chances it would have
happened without global warming ?” He comes up with the answer
(validated by a rigorous statistical study) that extreme events for
which there used to be a 1 in 300 chance of happening have a 1 in 10
chance, now. No way is this ‘natural variability’: it has to be climate
Still plenty of surprises
And yet there are still plenty of surprises and discomfiting
asymmetries in the way things are panning out even for the
clever-cleverest of climate nerds, or, indeed, even for the most
brilliant of climate scientists when it comes to giving a precise
explanation for a specific event. The extreme cold snaps, for instance,
are an obvious gift for the sceptics – “if the world is warming why is
it so b****ing cold ?”. Well, we can reach for the global temperature
map and say, look, whilst its exceptionally cold here, its actually
exceptionally warm over there (see eg this temperature anomaly map for December 2010 with a frigid Western Europe but an exceptionally warm western Greenland) : what really matters is the average temperature around the world, not just localised phenomena. And not only that but its not the occasional variations that make up our weather that are significant, it’s the average over a significant amount of time that defines our climate.
A more meandery jet stream.

But there was more to it than that – the jet stream was getting ‘stuck’
because it was a weaker, more sluggish, jet stream. And a weaker, less
powerful, jet stream is also a more meandery jet stream – just a like a
river which is a powerful and relatively direct ‘torrent’ in the
mountains near its source but as it slows down and loses energy on the
plain, so it meanders more, too. In the case of the jet stream the
direction of the flow is predominantly West-East (it's this West –East
flow that defines the boundaries of the Arctic and mid latitude
air-masses for instance) – so that more meandering means more than
normal North-South ‘wobbles’ or movements of air. This was the cause
of the cold Arctic air finding its way unusually far South to the UK
and Western Europe in December 2010 just as it was the cause of the warm
air finding its way unusually far North to Western Greenland at the
same time.
deep ‘meanders’ formed a wave pattern with the crest of the warm air,
South of the jet stream, reaching high up into Greenland and the trough
of the cold arctic air mass, North of it, descending unusually low into
Western Europe (see for instance the illustration in this article or the animation in this one). Similarly another crest of warm air pushing unusually far North gave the US an exceptionally mild winter this year, as well as a drought this summer (aided
by the Pacific “El Nina”) and it was hot dry African air pushing
unusually far North that was associated with the Russian heatwave just
as, at the same time a counter-part meander of the jet stream
brought colder moist air unusually far South to Pakistan to combine
with the monsoon in producing the exceptional and devastating Indus
valley floods of 2010.

“Arctic amplification”
Now it was always fair to say that all such phenomena would always be
rendered more extreme for the classic reason that global warming means
there is more energy in the system but recent studies have pointed to a
more meaningful and direct connection between this unusual behaviour of
the jet stream and climate change. This has to do with a well known
feature of global warming – that is that, for a variety of reasons it's
happening more quickly in the Arctic, than just about anywhere else (“Arctic Amplification” as it’s termed). But the well witnessed exceptionally rapid warming of the Arctic – something that is creating an ‘Arctic Emergency’, all of its own – is not just restricted to the Northern polar latitudes in its impacts. Already, even back in 2010 some studies
were suggesting a link between the localised
exceptional-cold-period phenomena further South and what was
happening in the Arctic. It's now suggested
that the slower, less powerful, more meandering jet stream has to
do with the reduced temperature gradient between the mid latitude and
the arctic air masses caused by the disproportionately rapid warming of
the latter. It was the steep temperature gradient and resultant big
pressure differences that powered the jet stream, the current of air at
the borders of those air masses – and so with less temperature
difference there was a less powerful, more meandery, jet stream.
This is to put the theory in its simplest form. Here’s quite a good summary and there are also a great couple of videos that can explain all of this much better than I can, here (Part 1) and especially here (Part 2).
I think its important that if this persuasive explanation is correct
then – as far as I am aware – it's not something that anyone, not any of
the clever climate scientists, predicted. There is no avoiding of
course the fundamental thrust of the scientific predictions – more
warming, more energy in the system, more frequent and more extreme
severe weather. But within that general pattern there may be all manner
of surprises, very likely unpleasant surprises.
No going back
And one thing about the ‘funny weather’ that is
counter-intuitive we should not forget. Departures from the norm
are more often than not temporary ( after all that’s what makes ‘the
norm’, the norm). But we will never see ‘normal weather’ – in the sense
of the kind of weather we were used to, over significant periods –
again. There is no going back, the weather will only get more weird, not
less. We have started to slither down a slippery slope and there is no
scrambling back up it.
And the ‘funny weather’ has a dark and sinister side. The Russian
drought of 2010 provoked Putin to place an embargo on grain exports
which resulted in a steep rise in prices that led to food riots in
places like Mozambique. This showed that wherever the actual axe of
freak weather falls it will be the world’s poorest (wherever they are)
who will suffer most. We haven’t yet seen the full knock on effects of the US drought on food prices (and consequently on levels of political instability around the planet). But some of the predictions
are dire. So we can already see this ‘funny weather’ feeding into the
gathering of that ‘perfect storm’ of crop failures, rising food prices, deepening poverty, hunger and ultimately mass starvation.
But for most of us in the developed world these will be far-off
calamities to which we may become inured as they gradually increase in
severity. And certainly for the moment it is more than anything just a
consciousness of the ‘funny weather’, a vague sense of something
slightly, insidiously, different and new. Like the unexpected but faint,
ambiguous, touch of a hand to your throat, you could say, before it
reveals itself to be that of a murderer, gripping ever tighter till it
has squeezed your breath away.